Google Drive in React Native


I’ll show you how to use Google Drive in React Native to store or get your app data. I use it as a consistent storage of user-specific data within my apps - especially as an alternate option to the vanishing external SD cards.

Google Login

The first step is to set up the Google Login and authorize your app to use the Google Drive service. There already is a React Native module for that: react-native-google-signin

It comes with the Sign-In Button, the Login form and the Grant Access modal.

React Native Google Drive

Bad news is, it’s not maintained anymore and doesn’t work with the newest React Native version. The Google Sign-In module I’m using right now is the fork by joonhocho.

Before you can start using the Sign-in service, you need to setup a Google Project in the Firebase Console (if you haven’t already) and get the configuration file.

Note that you cannot use it on an emulator as we use version 10 of Google Play Services / Firebase which no emulator supports right now. Make sure to test it on your device or you’ll get a Google Play services out of date. Requires 10084000 error.

Login & Access-Token

Once everything is set up, you should be able to sign in and request the Google Drive App Data scope which we will need to access the (hidden) folder specific to our app. Using react-native-google-sign-in on Android, it’ll look like this: (You can check out the options on GitHub.)

export const configureGoogleSignIn = async () => GoogleSignIn.configure({
  scopes: [''],
  shouldFetchBasicProfile: true,
  // serverClientID: '',  // I didn't need to set these for appdata here
  // offlineAccess: false,
  // forceCodeForRefreshToken: false,

onSignInPress = async () => {
    await configureGoogleSignIn()
      .then(() => GoogleSignIn.signInPromise()
                  // dispatch a redux-thunk with the accessToken once signed in
                  .then(userProfile => this.props.dispatchGoogleDrive(userProfile.accessToken))
      .catch(err => console.log('configureGoogleSignIn', err))

The request should return with some user info userProfile and an access token which we can now use for the Google Drive API.

Google Drive API v3 with fetch

There is a node.js googleapi client and a Google API JavaScript Client Library which make accessing APIs easier, but I haven’t tested hooking them up with the accessToken and using them in React Native. Instead, we will be communicating with the Google Drive API v3 straight through HTTP using fetch which makes constructing requests really simple.

We need to set the Authorization-Header to `Bearer ${apiToken}`, and the Content-Type to `multipart/related; boundary=${boundaryString}` for uploading files with their meta data according to the upload example.

This gist shows a fully functioning download and create+update example with Google Drive API v3 and fetch:

import GoogleSignIn from 'react-native-google-sign-in'

const url = ''
const uploadUrl = ''

const boundaryString = 'foo_bar_baz' // can be anything unique, needed for multipart upload

let apiToken = null

export const configureGoogleSignIn = async () => GoogleSignIn.configure({
  scopes: [''],
  shouldFetchBasicProfile: true,

export function setApiToken(token) {
  apiToken = token

function parseAndHandleErrors(response) {
  if (response.ok) {
    return response.json()
  return response.json()
    .then((error) => {
      throw new Error(JSON.stringify(error))

function configureGetOptions() {
  const headers = new Headers()
  headers.append('Authorization', `Bearer ${apiToken}`)
  return {
    method: 'GET',

function configurePostOptions(bodyLength, isUpdate = false) {
  const headers = new Headers()
  headers.append('Authorization', `Bearer ${apiToken}`)
  headers.append('Content-Type', `multipart/related; boundary=${boundaryString}`)
  headers.append('Content-Length', bodyLength)
  return {
    method: isUpdate ? 'PATCH' : 'POST',

function createMultipartBody(body, isUpdate = false) {
  // defines the structure
  const metaData = {
    name: 'data.json',
    description: 'Backup data for my app',
    mimeType: 'application/json',
  // if it already exists, specifying parents again throws an error
  if (!isUpdate) metaData.parents = ['appDataFolder']

  // request body
  const multipartBody = `\r\n--${boundaryString}\r\nContent-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8\r\n\r\n`
  + `${JSON.stringify(metaData)}\r\n`
  + `--${boundaryString}\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n`
  + `${JSON.stringify(body)}\r\n`
  + `--${boundaryString}--`

  return multipartBody

// uploads a file with its contents and its meta data (name, description, type, location)
export function uploadFile(content, existingFileId) {
  const body = createMultipartBody(content, !!existingFileId)
  const options = configurePostOptions(body.length, !!existingFileId)
  return fetch(`${uploadUrl}/files${existingFileId ? `/${existingFileId}` : ''}?uploadType=multipart`, {

// Looks for files with the specified file name in your app Data folder only (appDataFolder is a magic keyword)
function queryParams() {
  return encodeURIComponent("name = 'data.json' and 'appDataFolder' in parents")

// returns the files meta data only. the id can then be used to download the file
export function getFile() {
  const qParams = queryParams()
  const options = configureGetOptions()
  return fetch(`${url}/files?q=${qParams}&spaces=appDataFolder`, options)
    .then((body) => {
      if (body && body.files && body.files.length > 0) return body.files[0]
      return null

// download the file contents given the id
export function downloadFile(existingFileId) {
  const options = configureGetOptions()
  if (!existingFileId) throw new Error('Didn\'t provide a valid file id.')
  return fetch(`${url}/files/${existingFileId}?alt=media`, options)

You can then use the following redux-thunk to download the file:

export const dispatchGoogleDrive = apiToken => (dispatch) => {
  dispatch({ type: ActionNames.dataRestoreStart })
  return getWorkoutFile()
    .then((file) => {
      if (file) {
        return downloadFile(
      throw new Error('No existing backup file found.')
    .then((data) => {
        type: ActionNames.dataRestoreFinished,
        payload: data,
    .catch(err => dispatch({ type: ActionNames.dataRestoreError, payload: err }))

Of course this doesn’t only work with Google Drive API - you can use the same idea to access any Google API.

Hi, I'm Christoph Michel 👋


I'm a , , and .

Currently, I mostly work in software security and do on an independent contractor basis.

I strive for efficiency and therefore track many aspects of my life.