How to set appParams in React-Native


When you launch your app in React Native and look at the console you ‘ll always see this:

infoLog Running application "App" with appParams: {"initialProps":{},"rootTag":1}. __DEV__ === true, ...

This post will show you how to access appParams and set custom initialProps in Android.

Accessing initialProps from JS

Reading the app parameters is easy. They are injected as props to your main component registered through:

AppRegistry.registerComponent('App', () => App)

You can access them like any other props in your App Component:

class App extends Component {
  static propTypes = {
    // You can define propTypes for keys in `initialProps` here
    alarmID: PropTypes.string,
  constructor(props) {

Note that initialProps is unpacked first before passing its contents as props. So for the above code your appParams structure needs to look like this:


Setting custom initialProps from Java

Say, your React Native app is launched by another app, or started by an alarm or notification at a specific time, and you want to check who is repsonsible for the app launch. We can pass extra information to the Launch Intent, read it from our which then bridges them for use in our App.js.

Here’s the way I launch my app through my react-native-app-launcher library when an alarm timer goes off:

private void launchApplication(Context context, String alarmID) {
    String packageName = context.getApplicationContext().getPackageName();
    Intent launchIntent = context.getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage(packageName);

    launchIntent.putExtra("alarmID", alarmID);

    Log.i("ReactNativeAppLauncher", "AlarmReceiver: Launching: " + packageName);

Extracting the alarmID in of your React Native project is a bit more complicated. Since React Native Version 0.33.0, you have to create a ReactActivityDelegate overwriting the getLaunchOptions method:

public class MainActivity extends ReactActivity {

    protected String getMainComponentName() {
        return "App";

    public static class AlarmActivityDelegate extends ReactActivityDelegate {
        private static final String ALARM_ID = "alarmID";
        private Bundle mInitialProps = null;
        private final @Nullable Activity mActivity;

        public AlarmActivityDelegate(Activity activity, String mainComponentName) {
            super(activity, mainComponentName);
            this.mActivity = activity;

        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            // bundle is where we put our alarmID with launchIntent.putExtra
            Bundle bundle = mActivity.getIntent().getExtras();
            if (bundle != null && bundle.containsKey(ALARM_ID)) {
                mInitialProps = new Bundle();
                // put any initialProps here
                mInitialProps.putString(ALARM_ID, bundle.getString(ALARM_ID));

        protected Bundle getLaunchOptions() {
            return mInitialProps;

    protected ReactActivityDelegate createReactActivityDelegate() {
        return new AlarmActivityDelegate(this, getMainComponentName());

Everything defined in AlarmActivityDelegate.mInitialProps is now passed as initialProps to App.js and can be read from JavaScript as described in Accessing initialProps from JS. You can then fire some actions in App’s componentWillMount to handle state.

Hi, I'm Christoph Michel 👋

I'm a , , and .

Currently, I mostly work in software security and do on an independent contractor basis.

I strive for efficiency and therefore track many aspects of my life.