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Progress Report - April 2020


I post a progress report showing what I did and how my products performed each month. Last month’s report can be seen here.

What did I do

Productive Hours in April Hours worked on side-projects in April

I worked 58 productive on side projects hours last month.

To make these progress reports a bit more interesting, from now on I’ll post my favourite song, TV show, and article I read last month.

What was worked on

  • Personal news: I joined the great team at EOS Titan to work with them on some very interesting and innovative projects. More info coming soon.
  • Besides my main jobs, I mostly worked on VIGOR.

The app is fully functional now, the next steps are polishing and bug fixing to be ready for the launch. 🚀

  • I didn’t start a new side project.
  • I’ve been reading more and more about Rust. I’d love to learn it, but I have a hard time finding a use-case that is not already covered by my Node.js skills. It’s also not really there yet in terms of third-party libraries, especially regarding GUI development.

Platform Growth


Sessions went up to 7,549 on my website.

Website Traffic

April was a good month for my blog! I stuck to my bi-weekly schedule of releasing a blog post, I even overachieved my goals here. It feels good to make up for the lack of posts in March. I managed to write four blog posts.

  1. Testing EOSIO smart contracts with Hydra
  2. Implementing efficient Dividend tokens
  3. EOSIO C++ IntelliSense in VSCode
  4. 8 EOSIO WASM intrinsics you might not have heard about


My twitter followers increased by 19 to 592.


Learn EOS Development

I sold 5 books last month.


I made 431 EOS last month trading crypto. I got really lucky though, arbitrage trading has become a lot more competitive. I need to step up my game. 👨‍💻

What’s next

As always, there are some interesting things in the pipeline that I ‘m not allowed to talk about yet.

Hi, I'm Christoph Michel 👋


I'm a , , and .

Currently, I mostly work in software security and do on an independent contractor basis.

I strive for efficiency and therefore track many aspects of my life.