Progress Report - March 2017


Progress Report - March 2017

I post a progress report showing what I did and how my products performed each month. Last month’s report can be seen here.

What did I do

Productive Hours in March 2017

I worked 74 productive hours. (Tracked using RescueTime.)
I watched Legion.
I read Clean Code.

This was my most unproductive month so far as I moved to a new city for a job and thus didn’t have much time to write blog posts or code. Still, it’s nice to see that once you have your apps in the app store and some organic downloads, it’s smooth sailing even if you don’t do anything.



Downloads overall have been relatively stable. Two of my apps downloads slowed down by 20-30%, the download growth of the other two increased by 15-25%. In sum, my apps were downloaded 910 times this month.

Interestingly, my app that got the most downloads once (PHUL Workout Log), is now the worst performing. Vice versa, the app that got hardly any downloads in the beginning (PHAT Workout Log) is now one of the top performers. So don’t be discouraged yet if your freshly published app isn’t performing as you expected.

In-App Purchases

In-app Purchases went down this month to only 7. I made 15.72€ (-13.16€).

Ad Revenue

Ad revenue was stable. I made 60.29€ (+7.19€) for 60661 Google AdMob banner impressions.

App Income AdMob

Total App Income

In total, this month’s app income was 76.01€ (-6.30€).

IAPs Ads Total
15.72€ 60.29€ 76.01€

Platform Growth


A big chunk of traffic this month came by mail (27%) - from the JavaScript Weekly Newsletter.

Website Traffic


My twitter followers went up to 142. (+22)

What’s next

I’m only working on my apps and this blog part time from now on and as you all know it’s hard to find time and not make excuses. To hold myself accountable and to keep a consistent schedule (which is the most important part) I thought about streaming the whole process of creating my React Native apps + backend. I always wanted to try live coding, and streaming for some hours on the weekend seems like a good idea now. I’ll keep you updated on twitter.

Hi, I'm Christoph Michel 👋


I'm a , , and .

Currently, I mostly work in software security and do on an independent contractor basis.

I strive for efficiency and therefore track many aspects of my life.