Lightweight Progress Circles in React Native
I decided to create my own React Native component to display progress circles. It’s called react-native-progress-circle and you can easily use it in your React Native app. I didn’t use an existing component, because I wanted it to be small and lightweight. It does not depend on react-native-svg
or ART, it’s done purely in CSS.
How it works
It uses two circles and two half-circles and positions them in a smart way such that they look like the progress circles you see above. (Inspired by react-native-percentage-circle.) It’s done in four steps:
1. Render an outer background circle with the shadow border color.
It’s just a styled View
style={[styles.outerCircle, {
width: radius * 2,
height: radius * 2,
borderRadius: radius,
backgroundColor: shadowColor,
2. Render a half-circle and position it according to the percentage
Now we style a View
to the size of a rectangle and set the borderRadius
property of only two of the four corners. This creates a half-circle.
style={[styles.outerCircle, {
width: radius,
height: radius * 2,
backgroundColor: color,
borderRadius: radius,
borderTopRightRadius: 0,
borderBottomRightRadius: 0,
transform: [ { rotate: /* rotate it according to percentage */ } ],
3. Render another half-circle and position it according to the percentage
If the percentage is greater than 50%, we need another half-circle and then rotate it. It will overlay the first half-circle to some degree.
4. Render a smaller inner circle with the original background color
Now just put a smaller white circle in the center:
const radiusMinusBorder = this.props.radius - this.props.borderWidth
// ...
style={[styles.innerCircle, {
width: radiusMinusBorder * 2,
height: radiusMinusBorder * 2,
borderRadius: radiusMinusBorder,
backgroundColor: this.props.bgColor,
Rotation Issues
Two half-circles are enough to cover all percentages from 0 to 100, however you need to be a bit smart about it:
1. More than 50%:
This is the easy case. The first half-circle will always have a rotation value of 180deg
, spanning the right side of the circle.
The second one is computed easily by converting the percent to degrees:
function percentToDegrees(percent) {
return percent * 3.6
2. Less than 50%:
We do the same rotation conversion here, but the problem is that we display the full half-circle instead of only the part on the right circle side.
The solution is use the second half-circle as an overlay for the left side. We render it there (0deg
) in the color of the outer circle.
Further Usage with Animated Library
An advantage of only using the built-in CSS features is that we can use the Animated library that provides smooth animations with hardware acceleration. We can then create a simple Countdown Circle with the same concepts.