C++ Guide for EOS Development - Classes and Structs


This post is part of my C++ Guide for EOS developers

  1. Basics
  2. Call by value / reference & Pointers
  3. Classes and Structs
  4. Templates
  5. Iterators & Lambda Expressions
  6. Multi-index
  7. Header files

Classes and Structs

C++ is an object-oriented programming language. It has a powerful inheritance system, private and public member variables and a nice way to initialize them in constructors through member initializer lists. Destructors are the pendant to constructors and allow you to run code when an object is destroyed or falls out of scope. Let’s create a small CryptoCurrency class.

// @url: https://repl.it/@MrToph/CPPBasics-Classes-1
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>

// automatically resolves the std namespace
// so we can write string instead of std::string
using namespace std;

// Declare a class.
// Classes are usually declared in header (.h or .hpp) files.
class Currency
    // Member variables and functions are private by default.
    string name;
    double priceInUSD;

    // All members following this are public
    // until "private:" or "protected:" is found.
    // Default constructor
    // another constructor taking two parameters
    Currency(const string &_name, const double price);

    // Member function declarations (implementations to follow)
    void setName(const string &dogsName);

    void setPrice(double price);

    // Functions that do not modify the state of the object
    // should be marked as const.
    // This allows you to call them if given a const reference to the object.
    void print() const;

    // Functions can also be defined inside the class body.
    // Functions defined as such are automatically inlined.
    void bark() const { cout << name << " barks!\n"; }

    // C++ has destructors. They are the pendant to constructors.
    // These are called when an object is deleted or falls out of scope.
    virtual ~Currency();

}; // A semicolon must follow the class declaration.

// Class member functions are usually implemented in .cpp files.
    cout << "A currency has been created\n";

Currency::Currency(const string &_name, double price)
    name = _name;
    priceInUSD = price;
    cout << name << " has been created with a price of " << price << "USD\n";

void Currency::setName(const string &currencyName)
    name = currencyName;

void Currency::setPrice(double price)
    priceInUSD = price;

// Notice that "virtual" is only needed in the declaration, not the definition.
void Currency::print() const
    cout << name << " is at a price of " << priceInUSD << "USD\n";

    cout << name << " has been hard forked!\n";

// struct are the same as classes however they are usually only used to encapsulate
// data and rarely contain methods, prefer classes in those cases
struct block_header
    // fields of structs are public by default
    uint64_t timestamp;
    uint64_t blockNumber;
    // pointer to a block_header object
    block_header* prevBlock;

int main()
    // this runs the default constructor
    Currency bitcoin;

    Currency eos("EOS", 100);

    block_header genesis;
    genesis.timestamp = 1528445288;
    genesis.blockNumber = 0;

    // structs without user-defined constructors
    // can be initialized through "aggregate initialization"
    block_header second{1528445288, 1, &genesis};
    cout << "Timestamp of second block " << second.timestamp << "\n";

    // or explicit by providing the struct's field names
    // they need to be in the same order as defined in the struct
    // but allows you to skip initializing values
    block_header third{.blockNumber = 2, .prevBlock = &second};
    // third.timestamp is initialized to 0
    cout << "Timestamp of block after block #" << third.prevBlock->blockNumber << ": " << third.timestamp << "\n";


What would an introduction to inheritance be without the obligatory Animal class example? Note that C++ supports multiple inheritance, a (controversial) feature where a class can inherit from multiple classes at once. You’ll probably never need it when developing smart contracts, so let’s look at the case of inheriting from a single class.

// @url: https://repl.it/@MrToph/CPPBasics-Classes-2
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Animal
    string name;
    int weight;

    // Default constructor "delegates" its values to other constructor
    Animal() : Animal("Peter", 80){};

    // constructor takes name and weight and initializes the
    // class member with an "initializer list" using the same names
    Animal(const string &name, int weight) : name(name), weight(weight)
        // we already write the function body here
        cout << name << " was created\n";

    void setName(const string &dogsName);
    string getName() const;

    void setWeight(int weight);

    // Functions that can be overwritten must be declared as _virtual_
    virtual void print() const;

    // Functions can also be defined inside the class declaration
    // Be careful however as they are automatically inlined.
    void eat() { weight += 5; }

    // The destructor should be virtual if a class is to be derived from;
    // if it is not virtual, then the derived class' destructor will
    // not be called if the object is destroyed through a base-class reference
    // or pointer.
    virtual ~Animal();

void Animal::setName(const string &animalName)
    name = animalName;

string Animal::getName() const
    return name;

void Animal::setWeight(int animalWeight)
    weight = animalWeight;

// "virtual" is only needed in the declaration, not in the definition.
void Animal::print() const
    cout << name << " weighs " << weight << "kg\n";

    cout << "Animal " << name << " died\n";

// Dog is now a subclass of Animal and inherits Animal's members
// but may not directly access private members or methods directly without getters
class Dog : public Animal
    string breed;

    Dog(const string &name, int weight, const string &breed) : Animal(name, weight), breed(breed)
        cout << "Woof\n";

    // virtual methods that are being overridden should be marked as override
    void print() const override;

void Dog::print() const
    // Call the print function of Animal
    // Cannot access .name directly because it's private
    // need to access public getter getName
    cout << Animal::getName() << " is a " << breed << " dog\n";

int main()
    Dog dog("Carl", 10, "Dackel");

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Hi, I'm Christoph Michel 👋

I'm a , , and .

Currently, I mostly work in software security and do on an independent contractor basis.

I strive for efficiency and therefore track many aspects of my life.