Progress Report - September 2017


Progress Report - September 2017

I post a progress report showing what I did and how my products performed each month. Last month’s report can be seen here.

What did I do

Productive Hours in September 2017

I worked 44 productive hours. (Tracked using RescueTime.)
I watched South Park Season 21, Rick and Morty Season 3 and Boku no Hero Academia Season 2.
I read Ethereum Whitepaper and The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck.
I was a reviewer for a book on React Native that will soon be published.

I moved the backend of my next app to the serverless framework with AWS Lambda + DynamoDB. Turned out it wasn’t that easy to replicate my MongoDB setup in DynamoDB with the same functionality. I should write a blog post about it.



Downloads went down by another 100. In sum, my apps were downloaded 810 times this month. I hope this trend does not continue. Not sure what happened, the ratings are still mostly the same.

In-App Purchases

In-app Purchases went down to only 5 orders this month. (-4)

I made an estimated 17.11€ (-13.69€) this way.

Ad Revenue

Ad revenue also went down a lot. I made 51.07€ (-24.83€) for 62,335 Google AdMob banner impressions.

App Income AdMob

Total App Income

In total, this month’s app income was 68.18€ (-38.52€).

IAPs Ads Total
17.11€ 51.07€ 68.18€

After two great months with over 100€, this month was a bad one again.

Platform Growth


Website traffic went slightly up. I released a new blog post explaining how I use headless chrome in node.js to automate these progress reports.

Website Traffic


I gained one twitter follower.

What’s next

It was a good month, although my earnings went down by about a third. Anyway, I could force myself to work for about an hour after my main job on most days, which is more important.
I should think bigger for the next projects, the apps I have right now (and the one I’m building) don’t have much potential to earn a real income. I’m also thinking about going into teaching more and writing a book / start with some livecoding. Being a reviewer this month showed me that I’m ready - I feel like I would have done a better job 😇

Still I have to finish glueing my new app together and create its content …

Hi, I'm Christoph Michel 👋


I'm a , , and .

Currently, I mostly work in software security and do on an independent contractor basis.

I strive for efficiency and therefore track many aspects of my life.