Progress Report - September 2018


I post a progress report showing what I did and how my products performed each month. Last month’s report can be seen here.

What did I do

Productive Hours in September

I worked 59 productive hours last month. I watched Money Heist and Attack on Titan Season 3.

I finished the second and started with the third chapter of my book Learn EOS Development. I didn’t write as much as I would have liked as I was at the EOS Hackathon in London. But it was totally worth it. The hackathon was the best I’ve ever been to, from the location (Science Museum), the EOS community, the free food, to the expensive swag (patagonia jacket + backpack). While we didn’t end up in the top 10, it was a lot of fun coming up with the project, coding it, and pitching it to the judges with the team in 24 hours.

EOS Hackathon London

Mobile Apps


Total downloads of all my apps went up to 700 this month.

In-App Purchases

In-app Purchases reduced to 2. (-3)

I made an estimated 7.58€ (-11.38€) this way.

Ad Revenue

My ad revenue went down to 44.35€ (-6.04€) for 45,000 AdMob banner impressions.

App Income AdMob

Total App Income

In total, this month’s app income was 51.93€ (-17.42€).

IAPs Ads Total
7.58€ 44.35€ 51.93€

Platform Growth


Sessions stayed at 10,562 on my website.

Website Traffic

I stuck to my bi-weekly schedule of releasing a blog post. The C++ chapter of my book was already finished and I just had to turn the sub-chapters into blog posts.

  1. Classes and Structs
  2. Templates
  3. Iterators & Lambda Expressions


My twitter followers increased by 10 to 328.

Learn EOS Development Subscribers

I currently have 144 email subscribers for my book. That’s +36 in a month. I’m curious what my conversion rate will be.

What’s next

Full focus on the next chapters of the book.

  • Write tutorials for free and link to my book. Collect email addresses. All while actually writing the book.

Hi, I'm Christoph Michel 👋


I'm a , , and .

Currently, I mostly work in software security and do on an independent contractor basis.

I strive for efficiency and therefore track many aspects of my life.